Day 1: Eddie picked up the keys to Parker (or Parklock) Manor on Friday afternoon at 4:55pm. He toured the compound with the lovely Halseys and Justin, had some adult beverages & took a ton of before pictures. I was camping with Emily, Lani, Laura, 7 mo pregnant Gina, and Cheryl, so I missed the initial unveiling, but if you're worried about the threshold, worry no more.

Day 2: When I returned on Saturday at 5:30 pm all gritty and stinky from Trillium Lake, Eddie scooped me up and carried me over our threshold. Me being pretty dirty and smelly seem to be sensory criteria for the dawn of big events in our life. After group ahhing and oohing, Eddie and I got to cleaning, starting in the far SW corner of the basement (idea is to work our way N & E and then move up to the main floor). We broke for Chinese food and Champagne at 8:30pm and were joined by Molly, Geoffrey, Arthur, Teaberry (the dog), Emily, Lani and Laura. After dinner and some group chicken dancing (instigated by Arthur) we followed Laura through the house as she burned Sage to make peace with whatever energy the past owners left behind. We closed out our second day of homeownership with a pretty competitive game of UNO; Lani orchestrated a number of solid alliances via draw-two waterfalls, but in the end turned on us all to lay down her last card--foiled in our own home. . .
Day 3: While I worked on a final paper for Monday's class and met with my thesis group, Eddie shop-vac'd, scrubbed, swept and mopped the back room, cold room, furnace room and bathroom (all in the basement). By the time I arrived, a little before 5pm, he was drenched in sweat, but still radiating energy.

I got to work in the laundry room while Eddie finished up "the head" or his "office" (possible nicknames for our basement lavatory). I must have changed the water bucket I was using six or seven times without evening touching the canning pantry (located in the laundry room). Yowza. You can imagine how many bucket changes Eddie had working ALL day in the basement.

During my scrubbing I came upon a curious glass object hidden at the back of one of the deeper laundry room cabinets. I was too nervous to reach all the way back into the darkness to retrieve it, so I borrowed Eddie for the big reach. I imagined a container with a preserved human organ, or a jar of jewels, something intriguing and possibly disturbing. Eddie, sans rubber glove, reached right in and pulled out an empty pickle jar. So there. My imagination will likely continue to run wild as we turn over our home's many figurative stones. Findings like this support the ole imagination. . .an itty bitty mouse skull found by Eddie!
I retired early to finish Monday's paper, and Eddie continued scrubbing until the laundry room was sparkling. Now all we have left to clean in the basement are the second kitchen & the stairwell walls. Almost to the mainfloor!
YAYAYAYAY!!!! Your own house for your new family. The Parkers. I am so happy and proud of you. I will send many reiki prayers to give your new abode many blessings. Good job with all the cleaning. I am excited to watch the progress. xoxo!!
ReplyDeleteA new house??? Wow...this is what happens when you lose touch with someone for awhile...they do stuff like buy a house! Good luck with everything, and let me know when you're ready for veggie garden advice!!!
ReplyDeleteParkers!!! what's up? where's the progress? please share.
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